3. The construction of textile talents is slow. Looking at foreign apparel brand companies, most of them are long-established, century-old companies. Among these, it is easy to be overlooked that many of their companies’ experience and knowledge can be precipitated from generation to generation. Many experience and knowledge are knowledge that cannot be recorded in words. They can only be obtained through constant exchanges and communication in the same environment and they are constantly precipitated. Accumulated to the next batch of new workers. Therefore, Italy’s industrial clusters can stand firm and give the world a “fashionable” brand impression. While the labor force in China's textile industry is mostly migrant workers, it is often a fast-moving industry; Focus on short-term benefits and ignore long-term interests. Therefore, even high-caliber personnel cannot often serve a company for a long time. Therefore, the industry as a whole pays attention to the development environment of orders, OEM processing, and foundry, making it possible for companies to The technological innovation R&D personnel cannot go to the front line production, processing, and manufacturing laborers to do their job well. This will also inevitably affect the pace of China's construction of a strong textile country.

4. The high concentration of production capacity makes regional development unbalanced and will affect the long-term healthy development of the industry. Most of China's textile industry is concentrated in the eastern coastal provinces. At present, the state has vigorously advocated a rational optimization of the layout of productivity, prompting the transfer of the textile industry from the east to the central and western regions. However, during the implementation of the policy, many problems have also been exposed. For example, many textile companies set up factories in central and western provinces. However, in the economically backward Midwest, government officials have limited understanding of the company's business development, and often give Enterprises increase various expenses to solve the practical difficulties encountered by the local government in fiscal expenditure, and many local laborers have lower overall quality than workers in the eastern region. Therefore, enterprises often face difficulties in management after hiring local workers. All the time, the local laborers resisted the case. Therefore, all kinds of new difficulties encountered in the industrial transfer process often cause many entrepreneurs to withdraw to the eastern region and continue to develop.

5. Insufficient construction of rapid response mechanism for textile supply chain. At present, there are a number of advanced garment companies that fully learn from overseas excellent supply chain management experience. By strengthening cooperation and close and timely communication between technology innovation, design and R&D departments and marketing departments, they can speed up the rapid response of companies to market variability; meanwhile, many companies It also began to focus on the selection, cooperation, and sharing of benefits between buyers and suppliers in order to gain a more stable and reliable position in the market.

Third, improve and optimize China's textile industry supply chain of countermeasures and suggestions 1, make full use of the advantages of China's textile industry clusters, integration of regional supply chain. Supporting industrial clusters Small and medium-sized textile and garment enterprises establish brands, rely on the advantages of local government and industry associations for resource integration, scientifically adjust the relative degree of cluster industrial chain, and use regional brands to drive the development of small and medium-sized enterprises in clusters. In the industrial cluster clothing area to create its own brand, through this brand to connect the hundreds of small and medium-sized enterprises in the industrial cluster, the company division of labor, rational use of public resources, companies in accordance with uniform standards to produce different products, these products are The use of a unified brand, the use of a unified sales network, truly organic cooperation in the industrial chain, to avoid vicious competition, the benefits of all types of companies will increase, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

2. Strengthen the textile industry chain cooperation. Textile companies, industry associations, and governments should actively build interdependent industrial systems and play a synergistic role with related and supporting industries. More to establish and strengthen the alliance between production, research and development, to better play the role of bridges and ties between enterprises, governments, and prestigious institutions, and actively organize common technologies, key technologies, and cutting-edge technologies in the textile industry to tackle joint problems and improve the technological content of textile products. To lengthen the textile industry chain and cultivate more technology-based textile enterprises. Conditional textile companies actively join the alliance, make full use of this innovative platform, and actively participate in scientific research and development, can enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises and products, and enhance the level of development. Textile science and technology colleges and universities can also provide more help, support, talent, technology and other advantages, for the majority of textile companies, and actively carry out technical advice, technical services, help textile companies to overcome technical problems, the most promising The most effective technological achievements are provided to enterprises, speeding up the transformation of textile scientific and technological achievements and realizing mutual benefits and win-win results. At the same time patiently train our country's textile talents, especially in the central and western regions. Local governments must formulate and implement policies to attract textile talents, retain talents, and use talented people, so as to combine the realization of individual values ​​with the efficiency of enterprises.

3. Strengthen the informatization construction of textile industry chain management. First of all, the Chinese textile industry should use information to dominate the market, adhere to the combination of internal and external information, collect, collate, analyze and establish a sound global procurement and supply information system in order to seek large-scale production customization. Secondly, if we want to develop rapidly in the international competition, we must adopt a combination of strong and strong methods to closely connect suppliers and buyers, strengthen cooperation and communication between technological innovation design and R&D department and marketing department, in order to form a rapid market. The reaction mechanism enables many companies to rely on each other, complement each other, develop together, and achieve rapid conversion of products of different varieties and specifications in production to achieve a flexible and specialized production model. The more powerful the enterprises are, the higher the operating efficiency, the lower the operating cost, the stronger the competitiveness of the company, and the greater the strength, thereby increasing the production and operating capacity of the company and comprehensively improving the comprehensive competitiveness of the textile industry. force. Third, it is necessary to establish an advanced, highly efficient and stable industry information network and use information technology to transform the traditional textile industry. In the global environment of economic globalization, the modern circulation system is like a bridge and a link. With the development of information technology, the widespread use of computer networks and e-commerce, information resources have become the lifeline for the survival and development of enterprises, and information technology has become an improvement. The important means for the competitiveness of enterprises is to construct an industrial housing database with a reasonable structure, complete content, and convenient inquiry, and a pragmatic information service system and training system for talents, and to develop textile ERP software, CIMS software, and a variety of specialized e-commerce platforms and transactions. rule. To adapt to the development of e-commerce, make full use of the existing Internet technologies, design web pages, and build websites, and do a good job in the construction of enterprise information systems, relying on information technology to seize the international market. Finally, continue to adhere to the path of new industrialization with Chinese characteristics, give full play to China’s industrial comparative advantages, and build a modern industrial system with optimized structure, advanced technology, clean and safe, high added value, and strong ability to attract employment.

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